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HomeNewsSix new Pickleball courts officially open 

Six new Pickleball courts officially open 

The six new pickleball courts at Legacy Park are officially open and ready for serving.  

The new courts are located just north of the original pickle ball courts and include plexipave coating and windscreens. There is also a walkway on the westside of the courts which will provide barrier-free access for those with mobility devices.  

The new courts were part of the 2022 – 2031 Capital Improvement Plan and funding for the project came from the Canada Community-Building Fund. Work began in May for the courts with some removal of certain things, adding the windscreens and changing the existing surface.  

“City Council is pleased to have the new courts completed and finding a solution to build these courts in a fiscally responsible way,” says Acting Mayor Ryan Parker. “Being able to provide more space for users to be active, come together and grow the sport.” 

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Klaus Witzke, Lethbridge Pickleball Club President, says that although a lot of players in the area are seniors, the club sees more community members of all ages showing an interest in the sport. 

“The additional new courts are not just about more places to play; it’s about creating opportunities for more people to get active and fall in love with the sport,” says Witzke.  

For those unsure what the sport is or entails, pickleball is a paddle sport that combines tennis, badminton, and table tennis together.  

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