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HomeNewsTravelling in groups, carrying bear spray among cougar safety tips

Travelling in groups, carrying bear spray among cougar safety tips

A reminder is being put out to the community about being cougar smart and what to do if you come across a cougar after a pair of reported sightings along Whoop-Up Drive near the Old Man River over the weekend.

Sgt. Jason Lefrancois with the Lethbridge and District Fish and Wildlife Enforcement services says on Saturday, April 18th two cougar sightings were reported around the same area. Still, officials have not been able to confirm whether or not it was a cougar. He says the reported sightings are a reminder that Lethbridge is cougar country.

“Key things for people to remember are – if you are travelling along the walking trails, we recommend that people travel in groups and carry some form of protection such as bear spray,” Lefrancois says.

However, even with taking safety precautions, he says encountering a cougar is rare. But on the off chance you do come across one in the distance, it is advised not to turn your back and run.

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“If the cougar appears to be unaware of your presence I recommend you gather up any small children or bring your pets in close and then slowly and cautiously back away and leave the area

Those who spot a cougar in or near a residential area are encouraged to report it to the report poacher hotline at 1-800-642-3800.

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