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Petwise Blog: Discovering Betta Fish 🐟

These freshwater fish can breathe air using their trusty labyrinth organ. They’re intelligent, easy to care for, fiercely territorial, and named after warriors.

Beautiful Bettas or Siamese Fighting Fish are found in Southeast Asia in the wild, often seen in rice paddies, shallow ponds, marshes, and slow-moving streams.

There are 76 recognized species of Betta fish. Crown tail, delta, double, veil, rose tail, and half-moon are a few varieties.

They can be found in an extraordinary array of colors, such as red, black, orange, iridescent blue, green, purple shades, and mustard yellow.

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Female Bettas can usually live happily together.

Males attract females by building bubble nests to signal health and strength. Males and females can only be together for a short time and will fight with one another after they mate. After the eggs are laid, it is the male who carefully places them in his bubble nest, fiercely guarding the nest and caring for the eggs.

Betta fish usually live 3 to 5 years, but some can live up to 10 years. They’re an extremely popular pet and are happiest with plenty of enrichment in their home, such as plants, caves, and room to explore.


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