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HomeNewsCounty launches online resources to encourage water conservation

County launches online resources to encourage water conservation

Lethbridge County is taking steps to keep the public informed and provide resources to encourage water conservation. 

A webpage,, has been developed to provide updates on the current situation and any restrictions that may be implemented. It also has tips on how to reduce water usage. Actions such as taking shorter showers, planting drought-resistant species and fixing leaks can make a difference. 

The County has also signed a water-sharing agreement with the larger water licence holders in the area to reduce water consumption by 10 per cent. “We have identified areas where we can conserve water in our operations and are striving to exceed the 10 per cent consumption reduction target.” 

Currently, there are no restrictions in place for the County and water users are asked to do what they can to reduce their water usage. 

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As the City of Lethbridge supplies water for the County’s hamlets and subdivisions, any restrictions for these water users would come into effect at the direction of the City. The County will provide any updates on possible restrictions via its website and social media channels.

Those who receive water through water co-ops will receive direction on usage from their co-op. Farming operations with irrigation have already been allocated water for 2024 by the irrigation districts, which is less than half their normal allotment to grow their crops and feed livestock. 

“As we navigate through these challenging times, the commitment to sustainable water management is more crucial than ever,” says CAO Cole Beck. “We are working to best support all water users and balance competing demands, while recognizing our agriculture industry drives our economy and provides the highest-quality food to people around the world, but it can only do so with access to water.” 

According to Beck, the County is proactively taking steps by implementing internal conservation strategies and collaborating with neighbouring communities. “We encourage every member of our community to take whatever steps they can to reduce their usage, as every action contributes to a larger impact for the region.” 

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