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HomeNewsNew walk-in clinic to open in Picture Butte next week

New walk-in clinic to open in Picture Butte next week

A new ambulatory clinic is scheduled to open in Picture Butte at the Piyami Health Centre Monday. The clinic will be operated by Alberta Health Services. 

The clinic will be open weekdays from 5-10 p.m. and weekends from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The non-urgent walk-in clinic offers care to people who need to see a doctor, but don’t need to be seen in the emergency department. 

AHS has recruited physicians who will offer a rotation of service to support the clinic, creating a sustainable after-hours healthcare model. A licensed practical nurse will also provide care. 

“The new, AHS-run clinic will provide improved access to care outside of regular family physician clinic hours for Picture Butte and area residents,” says Aaron Low, AHS South Zone medical director. “We’re grateful to the physicians who have signed on to support the clinic and discover the benefits of serving rural communities.” 

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“We’re happy AHS followed through on their commitment for an after-hours clinic,” says Picture Butte Mayor Cathy Moore. “They continued to keep us updated on the progress and we knew they were dedicated to open this clinic in our community.” 

The Piyami Health Centre continues to be home to many other healthcare services, including laboratory and diagnostic imaging, seniors housing, supportive living, home care, allied health, public health and a private family physician clinic. 

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