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HomeNewsLethbridge School Division appoints two new principals

Lethbridge School Division appoints two new principals

Lethbridge School Division has announced two principal appointments commencing in the 2024/2025 school year. Jeni Halowski has been appointed principal for Wilson Middle School and Chris Harris has been appointed principal for Dr. Gerald B Probe Elementary School. 

“I look forward to creating an environment in which all students are seen as capable learners, who will find success and reach their potential through the innovative teaching practices at Wilson,” says Halowski. 

Halowski’s career with the division started in 2006 as a teacher, where she supported the division community at G.S Lakie Middle School and Winston Churchill. In 2013, Halowski was appointed as the vice principal of G.S Lakie until 2016, when she was appointed the vice-principal of Wilson Middle School. In 2022, she was appointed as principal of Westminster Elementary School.Lethbridge School Division is pleased to announce Chris Harris has been appointed principal for Dr. Gerald B Probe Elementary School commencing the 2024/2025 school year. 

Harris believes leadership is all about relationships. It is the act of helping others to achieve more than they believe they can. By promoting positivity and encouraging co-operation we can provide opportunities for students and staff to build their own capacity as leaders and develop their own independence and confidence. 

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“I want to build on the outstanding culture that currently exists at Probe Elementary School and encourage a growth mindset for all staff and students where everyone feels safe to take chances, make mistakes and learn from them,” adds Harris. 

Harris has over 10 years of administrative experience at the elementary and high school level within the school division. He has served as the principal at General Stewart Elementary School for the past six years. 

Harris joined the division in 1998 as a teacher at Nicholas Sheran Elementary School and Winston Churchill High School. Prior to becoming principal at General Stewart, he served as the vice-principal at LCI for three years and Mike Mountain Horse Elementary School for two years. 

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