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Petwise Blog: Exploring African & South American Cichlids in Your Freshwater Aquarium

African & South American cichlids are colorful aggressive fish that bring loads of action to your freshwater aquarium.
Cichlids love to have their own spot carved out in the tank to feel secure, so having lots of hiding spots, ornaments, and plants is a great idea.
When new fish are added, if new decor is also added, or things are rearranged a bit, it gives the new residents of the tank the chance to find a nook or spot that is their own.
Oh and here’s a word you don’t hear every day…
Many cichlids are mouthbrooders!
The mother will hold her eggs and hatched babies in her mouth to protect them for 21 to 36 days!
She does not eat during this time and her sole concern is looking after her new babies.
Oscars are a large South American cichlid with massive personalities and they’re extremely intelligent!
They’re known as the moody fish.
They’ve been observed moving around gravel or rocks and plants in their tank and rearranging things if they’re not happy with the placement.
They can recognize their people and form bonds with them.
Oscars are very picky about choosing a mate and they’ll slap one another with their tail while courting.
They’re also tremendously devoted to being wonderful parents.
Another interesting aggressive fish you will often see at Petland is the red-bellied Piranha.


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